

Located in Hex p28.49

Area Description

Dwimmermount is the ACKS megadungeon, see PDFs.

Stairs can be seen ascending towards Dwimmermount's peak. At their base they run in broad switchbacks through fortifications that have laid in ruin for ages. Archways are frequently set into low walls along this section of the stairway, including one called the Alchemist's Door for the arcane symbols engraved into its archstones.

Emerging from the fortifications, the stairs become straight and then narrow as they reach the Red Doors, so called because they are made from a reddish metal known to sages as Areonite.

A third entrance to the dungeon is mostly a secret of the dwarves, passed down since their ancestors helped to carve its halls. For centuries, a few dwarves in each generation have followed a precarious trail along the windward side of the mountain to join the dungeon's custodians. Only dwarves or those with a similar eye for stonework will perceive the Stone-Wrought Stairs at the end of this trail.


Typically quiet but not silent outside of inhabited areas. Pipes rattle, machines make noise, drains and spigots drip.

Staircases are usually well-worn stone and travel between 50 and 100 feet before reaching the next level. These stairs are generally narrow, requiring man-sized creatures to walk single file along their length.

Book Notes





Dwimmermount (TODO)